McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen is a proud sponsor of the recent Lawn Bowling Tournament.
Thanks to Shirley Fallowfield Aylmer Lawn Bowling Club, Secretary for her assistance.
Our congratulations to all participants!

Pictured left to right The winners of the day Tony Hawkens of Simcoe with Roberta Wilson of Aylmer. Presenting the award are Shirley Fallowfield (Aylmer Lawn Bowling Club Secretary) & Kerry Kerr (M.A.D.O. Office Manager)

Pictured Centre: 2nd Place Tony Helder & Lisa Crane both from Aylmer. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: 3rd Place Graham & Brenda Darmon from the Norwich Club. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: 4th Place Andre VanRoestel & Corrie Hooghiem both from Aylmer. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: 5th Place Roger Abraham & Candice Teetzel from the Norwich Club. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: Consolation Prize Joe & Jenny Vries from Embro. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.