If you need insurance, but you don’t know a policy from particle physics, come see us. We live and breathe insurance.
McTaggart Armstrong Dewar & Owen Insurance brokers have been helping the people around Aylmer, Ontario with sound insurance advice and service for more than 85 years. Today our friendly staff still lives in the communities we serve including Aylmer, Sparta, Belmont, Springfield and St. Thomas.
As Insurance Brokers, we can choose from a wide variety of products offered by many leading insurance companies.
We don’t just offer a single brand of insurance to every client. To make the right choice, we need to know a lot about insurance, but also a lot about our clients. Everyone is unique and we believe every policy should be. With our expertise, we can tailor the coverage to meet your needs.
We can provide a full range of insurance coverage for your home, car, farm and business. With over 50 years of insurance experience, contact us to do the shopping for your insurance.
You are welcome to give us a call at our local office. Our staff cannot make decisions on your coverage and entitlements, but we can help you through the claims process to ensure a timely settlement.
Emergency toll free numbers
AVIVA | 1-866-692-8482 |
Traveler’s (Dominion) | 1-800-661-5522 |
Echelon | 1-866-931-0570 |
Economical (Western General) | 1-800-607-2424 |
Intact | 1-866-464-2424 |
Jevco | 1-866-864-1112 |
Nordique (Facility) | 1-866-464-2424 |
HTC (Town & Country) | 1-877-488-6642 |
RSA (Facility) | 1-800-319-9993 |
Yarmouth Mutual | 1-877-488-6642 |