The Aylmer Lawn Bowling Tournament 2018
In the spirit of supporting our community, McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen, are once again pleased to be a proud sponsor of the recent Aylmer Lawn Bowling Tournament.
Congratulations to all who participated!

Pictured are Tournament winners Matt Kolenc & Roberta Wilson. Presenting the award is Cheryl McKeating, Broker at McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen (centre)
McTaggart Armstrong Dewar & Owen Insurance Brokers is proud to celebrate Canada’s 150th! Stop by and say “hello”.

Lawn Bowling Tournament June 15, 2015
McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen is a proud sponsor of the recent Lawn Bowling Tournament.
Thanks to Shirley Fallowfield Aylmer Lawn Bowling Club, Secretary for her assistance.
Our congratulations to all participants!

Pictured left to right The winners of the day Tony Hawkens of Simcoe with Roberta Wilson of Aylmer. Presenting the award are Shirley Fallowfield (Aylmer Lawn Bowling Club Secretary) & Kerry Kerr (M.A.D.O. Office Manager)

Pictured Centre: 2nd Place Tony Helder & Lisa Crane both from Aylmer. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: 3rd Place Graham & Brenda Darmon from the Norwich Club. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: 4th Place Andre VanRoestel & Corrie Hooghiem both from Aylmer. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: 5th Place Roger Abraham & Candice Teetzel from the Norwich Club. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.

Pictured Centre: Consolation Prize Joe & Jenny Vries from Embro. Presenting the award are (far left) Shirley Fallowfield & (far right) Kerry Kerr.
Aylmer Express Thanksgiving Food Drive
McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen Insurance Broker is a proud supporter of the Aylmer Express Thanksgiving Food Drive. Donations collected went to the local ‘Corner Cupboard’ Food Bank in Aylmer.
Annual BBQ & Silent Auction
The proceeds from this year’s McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen Insurance BBQ & Silent Auction went to Jesse’s Journey, a charity raising public awareness and money for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research.
The MADO team was lucky to have four East Elgin Secondary School volunteers help out at the BBQ, as well as many wonderful donated items for the Silent Auction.
The event was both fun and successful, raising a $1500.00 donation for Jesse’s Journey.

IBAO’s mascott, ‘Bipper’ with Trace Walker, son of Melissa, an employee at McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen Insurance.

East Elgin Secondary School volunteers (l-r) Stephanie, Jocelyn, Danielle & Andrea as well as Kerry serving up a cheeseburger and Ruben manning the BBQ.

Silent Auction Display

On hand for the presentation of a $1500 donation to Jesse’s Journey were (l-r) Jesse’s Journey Fund Development representative Michele Sands, MADO Administrative Assistant Melissa Walker and Broker Kerry Kerr.
Lawn Bowling Tournament
Lawn bowling has been going strong in Aylmer for 114 years. The recent McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen Tournament, now in its tenth year, attracted 18 participants, with Gary Moore of Woodstock and partner Deanna Palmer of Thamesford taking home the championship plaque. Though an Aylmer tradition, teams come from Woodstock, Simcoe, Norwich, Ingersoll and even London.
Aylmer Home & Garden Show
Your Best Insurance is an Insurance Broker. During the recent Aylmer Home & Garden Show, many people learned what McTaggart, Armstrong, Dewar & Owen Insurance Brokers could do for them regarding their home, business auto and farm insurance.
One of our many visitors to our booth, Jeff DeKraker, was the lucky winner of an Emergency Car Care Kit.