Protect your office
All businesses need to protect their staff and their property. As a business owner, you’ll also want to guard against lawsuits, fraud and business interruptions. Based on our decades of experience finding property and liability insurance for businesses, we recommend taking these steps to secure your office.
Loss management tips
Avoid overloading of electrical outlets, particularly in older buildings equipped with fuses instead of circuit breakers.
If the existing electrical service is inadequate, ensure that any required electrical modifications are done by a professional electrician.
Ensure that building safety features such as fire alarms, exit signs and emergency lights are operational and serviced according to the applicable fire code specifications.
Clean all spills or wet floors immediately, post signs warning of wet or damp floors and check floor surfaces for potential hazards on a regular basis. Use non-slip rugs during the winter months.
Contact the staff at our local office for more risk management tips.